Fixes for Oil Use and Piston Slap
A hot topic amongst Gen III-powered Corvette and F-cars
enthusiasts, especially those active on the Internet, is high oil
consumption. We asked Juriga about this and he confirmed there’s a
problem, but not one as widespread as some people believe. He also
explained the fix GM Powertrain has developed for it.
"We have seen a greater percentage of complaints
than we’d like about oil consumption," John admitted.
"The condition under which we get that oil consumption is high-rpm,
light-load–like if you drive in a city schedule but never take the car
out of second gear. In that situation, the piston rings can get into a
flutter condition and that’s when the oil consumption takes place."
Piston ring seal depends on a balance of four forces:
combustion pressure, ring inertia, the ring’s radial expansion pressure
and crankcase pressure. Ring flutter is uncontrolled oscillation due to an
imbalance of those forces. Once a piston’s rings go into flutter, their
ability to scrape oil off the cylinder wall as the piston moves downward
is impaired, blow-by increases and oil consumption rises dramatically.
The combination of high rpm and low crankcase pressure
typical of low engine loads causes those four forces to become imbalanced.
The small amount of ’97-’01 LS1s and LS6es that see regular, high-rpm,
light-load operation may suffer high oil consumption.
"The severity of this problem is specific to the
driver," Juriga continued. "You can take a car that is a
major complaint for one customer and give it to another customer who’ll
have (different driving habits and) no complaints and get 5000
miles to a quart."
The common sense is that sustained high-speed and
light-load is not a normal duty cycle, even for an engine in a car like a
Corvette. Who drives around town running 4000 or more rpm at
"It’s not the way most people normally
drive," John agreed, "so it has not been a substantial
part of our normal durability schedule.
"It is a substantial part of our schedule,
"This particular problem is not something you see
as a wear issue, either. You can tear apart the engine and find nothing.
In fact, that’s why it was so difficult. Someone says, ‘I have an oil
consumption problem.’ We give the car to our guys who put a thousand
miles on it and oil consumption is within limits. When we drive it
aggressively, but in a more conventional manner, there’s no problem. We
tear down the engine. Everything looks fine. No wear. No scored bores. No
ring gap alignment problem. Nothing to explain the oil consumption.
"This issue has become very pronounced on the
Internet. People are saying, ‘Oh–we’ve got a problem with oil
consumption.’ but the vast majority of customers don’t have any
problem. There are a few who drive like that–and they’re entitled to,
that’s why they buy a Corvette. They are the ones that have trouble and
we want to try to help them."
Internet conspiracy theories, urban legend and rumor
mutate and spread rapidly. While the core issue, oil use, has factual
basis; it quickly became exaggerated and laced with disinformation.
To verify a problem like this then develop and test a
successful fix is difficult and time consuming. Initially, during the
years the only engine was the LS1, complaints were limited in number and
isolated. This is why General Motors has seemed slow to respond.
"Our investigation into those complaints took
time," Juriga continued, "due to the fact that driving
style had been determined to be a factor.
"The consumption became more pronounced with the
higher rpm operating range of the (’01) LS6 and, therefore
(it was) possible for us to evaluate correctly. As soon as the (test)
data came in from '01, we had an improvement for '02. Let the customer
rest assured: the cases that have come in are from the non-typical driver.
By far, most customers are not experiencing abnormal oil consumption.
GMPT contacted customers experiencing the problem. This
group was asked specific questions about driving habits. Once GM acquired
data pointing at the difficulty, it devised a test schedule that could be
run under controlled conditions and would include some high-speed,
light-load operation. Once GM did that, then tore down engines and found
no wear, materials or assembly trouble; ring-flutter-driven, oil
consumption was identified as the cause.
The unique scraper
of the Napier profile, second compression ring, shown upside
down for demonstration purposes, is clearly evident here.
Image: Author. [ Click Image for Larger View ] |
888 |
2 |
is a side view of the scraper face on a typical second
compression ring. Drawing: Author. |
2 |
is a side view of a second compression ring having a Napier
profile face. Drawing: Author |
"We went back to our ring supplier and
worked with them in developing a fix," Juriga explained.
"We changed the ring pack. We use a higher tension oil ring. We
went from a nine pound ring to a 13 pound ring. We also changed the
second compression ring to a ‘Napier ring’ design which has a
very pronounced scraper profile on it. The old second ring uses a
conventional oil scraper design.
"We implemented this for the start of
production (MY02) on LS6 and within a couple weeks
afterwards, it went into the LS1, so it is across-the-board on both.
"This revised ring pack was validated, in-part, by field
use in engines having trouble with high oil consumption under
high-rpm/light-load. The increased oil ring tension keeps the four
forces mentioned earlier in balance so oil ring flutter is
eliminated. While the ’97-’01 second ring had a scraper face,
the Napier ring is like a "super scraper-faced ring" and
results in more aggressive oil control on the piston down stroke.
"We’ve had over a dozen customers with complaint
vehicles," John Juriga stated. "We put these rings in and
it’s a ‘clean kill.’ It takes customers who are aggressive drivers
and who had oil consumption as low as 500-800 miles per quart up to
1500-2000 miles a quart. This fix is available through the service
organization. Dealers will disassemble the engines and change the rings.
"It’s on a case-by-case basis because, with some
customers, all you have to do is tell them, ‘You can eliminate your
problem if you throw it into third or fourth gear instead of riding it in
second.’ They’ll be happy to do that and the problem goes away.
"Other customers say, ‘No. That’s why I bought
my ‘Vette. I’m gonna drive it the way I wanna drive it.’ If so, that’s
fine. At this time, there isn't a threshold other than what is standard
with our other engines. If a customer is experiencing oil consumption of
more than a quart per 2000 miles they can have it reviewed by a GM dealer
which then makes a determination as to follow up. If you’re getting
500-800 miles per quart, that’s too much and we’re going to swap the
rings out in that engine."
The revised ring package will not increase an
engine’s performance. If you’re not experiencing excessive oil use,
there’s no advantage in running out to get new rings. If you do have an
engine that experiences abnormal oil use due to some high-rpm/light-load
operation; first, try modifying your driving habits a bit to eliminate any
sustained operation like that, rather than immediately electing for the
trauma of a partial engine overhaul under warranty. If eliminating most
high-rpm/light-load operation doesn’t stop excessive oil use, then
ask GM to repair the engine.
Some involved in the public dialog about this issue
have been critical of General Motors. It’s our opinion that some of the
harshest rhetoric is unfounded because this problem is not as common as
Internet rumor claims nor does it stem from some coverup conspiracy to
stick unsuspecting customers with substandard products. While it’s clear
to us General Motors erred in not making high-rpm/light-load testing as
prominent as it should have been, thus, failing to detect trouble with
ring-flutter; this issue does beg the question: should a small group of
owners who subject their engines to the unusual duty-cycle of sustained
high-rpm/light-load operation share part of the responsibility for this
Going to a higher tension oil ring and a Napier profile
second ring solves the oil use problem convincingly. Will the change also
result in oil consumption decreases in LS1s and LS6es which are driven
normally or driven aggressively, but not in the high-rpm/light-load
manner that previously caused ring flutter? There is that possibility.
In mid-April ’01, there was a change in the LS1/LS6
piston which carried over to MY02. To address a limited amount of
complaints about "cold piston knock", there was a small
reduction in piston-to-bore clearance and new pistons, having skirts
coated with a polymer, antifriction material, were introduced.
two LS6 pistons. Because of the differences in piston-to-bore
clearance, they are only interchangeable in one direction. You could
use the new piston in a ’01 LS6, but you can’t use the old
piston in an ’02 LS6 block.
Image: author. |
polymer antifriction material is not applied to the entire piston,
only the skirts below the oil ring.
Image: author. [ Click Images for Larger View ] |
"When you decrease the piston-to-bore clearance,
you’re more susceptible to hot-scuff because you’ve got a tighter fit.
The coating gives us resistance against scuffing," Juriga stated.
When asked about possible power losses, he added, "We haven’t
seen any measurable hit from a power standpoint because of the tighter
The LS1/LS6 are first in the Gen III family to use
coated pistons. Corvette often leads the way with new technology that
eventually sees high volume production. In the near future, all Gen IIIs
used in GM trucks will have coated pistons–we’re talking millions of
engines a year, here, not just 90,000 or so C5, Camaro/Firebird and export
(to Holden’s in Australia) powerplants annually.
This piston knock
anomaly that has been occurring in some ’97-’01 engines after
start-ups in cold weather is not a durability concern. It’s a
pleasability issue on which there was enough input from customers
that GM made a production change. Like the revised rings, there’s
no performance advantage in switching to the tighter clearance and
the polymer-coated piston. Those hearing a cold piston knock are
better off ignoring it until the engine warms a little, rather
than subjecting themselves to the stress of a dialog with a GM
dealer intended to force repair or replacement of the engine. |